We are not paid to write reviews nor are we sponsored by any companies. Our ability to test products is based on what we can afford, trial memberships, reading and watching other reviews, and reading company produced information on its products.

We would gladly accept products to try with one string attached.  We will give an honest review of the product whether the end result is a favorable review or not.

Companies we have affiliate agreements with –
Gaia GPS –
If you choose to sign up for a Gaia GPS subscription via this website we are paid a small affiliate fee along with you receiving a discount on your subscription.

TrailsOffroad.com –
If you choose to sign up for a Trails Offroad subscription via this website we are paid a small affiliate fee.

FireSide Outdoors –
If you purchase a product from FireSide Outdoors via this website we are paid a small commission.

Amazon.com –

If you purchase a product from Amazon.com via this website, we are paid a small commission.

Off Grid Trailers –
We are a product ambassador. This means we are compensated to help prospective owners with their decision to purchase a trailer or not. We are only compensated if the prospective owner purchases through us.

With regards to any of our affiliate links. This in NO way impacts the articles we write. We are not paid to produce content or give fake reviews. At any time if this policy was to change it would be fully disclosed.

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